Promote a specific post

When you have a Facebook Page post that is performing well organically, boost it with ad spend to maximize its reach. In AdEspresso you can choose a specific post (or posts) from a list of your Page’s content, and then create a campaign to promote that post.

To promote a specific post

  1. Click New Campaign on the main navigation bar.
  2. Give your campaign a name, select the ad account to use, and add any tags if applicable.
  3. Under What do you want to promote? select the Page tab, and then click Page post.

    Tip: If your Page lists a physical address, AdEspresso categorizes it as a Place. If you don’t see a Page tab, select the Place tab instead. They both have the same campaign options.
  4. Click Proceed.
  5. Select your Facebook Page from the drop-down, and then click Promote Specific Posts.
  6. Select one or more specific posts from the drop-down, or search by Post ID.
    Posts eligible to boost on Instagram are indicated with an Instagram icon.

    Note: Due to a Facebook limitation, AdEspresso retrieves Page posts from the previous three  months only. Posts that are older than three months are not eligible for promotion.

  7. Review the previews of your boosted posts in each placement.
  8. Optional: If the selected post(s) contains an offsite link, add goal tracking to the boosted post.
  9. Proceed as usual to set up your campaign audience and budget.
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