Select this campaign type when your main objective is driving an increase in Likes on your Facebook Page. Page Like campaigns include simple ads that link to your Facebook Page, and have a built-in CTA to "Like Page". This campaign type is best used as part of a comprehensive social strategy; likes don't always translate to money, whereas other goals can lead to conversions and a return on your ad spend.
Optimize for Page likes, impressions, Page engagement, or Unique daily reach with this campaign type.
Tip: If your Page lists a physical address, AdEspresso categorizes it as a Place. If you don't see a Page tab, select the Place tab instead. They both have the same campaign options.
To create a Page Likes campaign
- Click New Campaign on the main navigation bar and proceed to create your campaign as usual.
- Under What do you want to promote? click the Page tab, and then select Page Likes.
- Click Proceed.
- On the Ads Design step (2), select your Facebook Page, and then enter the elements of your ad creative: Headline (optional), Ad Text, Picture or Video.
- Select your ad placement(s), and then click Proceed.