Pause an ad or adset

To pause an ad or adset

  1. Click Your campaigns on the main navigation bar, click Search a campaign, and then navigate to the campaign's dashboard.
  2. Click the All Ads tab.
  3. Click Show ads below an adset name to open the ads within each adset.
  4. Click the Play/Pause button under the Status column next to each ad or adset.

Pausing ads and adsets and how budget reacts

Budget management within AdEspresso works similar to how it does in Facebook.

When you pause ads within an adset, the budget is redistributed automatically to the remaining active ads within the campaign.

When you pause an entire adset, that budget is removed from the campaign. To keep a campaign running with the original budget amount, you will need to edit the campaign's budget after pausing adsets.

The exception to this is if your campaign is using Campaign Budget Optimization. Budgets for these campaigns are managed at the campaign level, not at the adset level, so pausing an adset will not impact the campaign’s budget.


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