Create Google responsive display ad campaigns

Save time reaching your audience on Google with responsive display ad campaigns. Upload variations of your campaign's creative assets, including images, videos, headlines and descriptions. Then Google will do the work creating and testing different versions of your ads to fit available ad spaces.

Responsive display ads are the default ad type for the Google Display Network. This includes websites, YouTube videos, mobile devices and apps. Responsive display ads can show as banner ads on some websites, or dynamic text ads on others.

Google fits the size, appearance, and format of your assets to what works best for the space. Videos are used over images if Google determines they will perform better for you. Its machine learning model displays your best-performing combinations based on your own ad performance history. So you can feel confident that you’ll be reaching your customers in the most effective way.

Display campaign subtypes (Gmail, Smart) are not supported.

Creating responsive display ads

Step 1 - Create Campaign

  1. Click New Campaign on the main navigation bar.
  2. Click Google Ads. You will be prompted to connect your Google Ads account to AdEspresso if it isn’t already.
  3. Enter a campaign name, select a Google billing account, and then select the Display Ads campaign type.
  4. Click Save and proceed.

Step 2 - Campaign Settings

  1. Optional: Click Set campaign URL options to add a tracking template and custom parameters to the links in your campaign. Custom parameters can also be added later at the ad group level.
  2. Enter one or more locations to target with your ads, or exclude from targeting. Enter a country, city, region, postal code, or address. Addresses can include a radius in km or mi from the address.
  3. Enter one or more languages to target with your ads.
  4. Enter an average daily budget, and select an ad delivery method. More info
  5. Select a start and end date (optional) for your campaign. If no end date is specified, the campaign will run indefinitely.
  6. Select a bidding strategy from the drop-down.
  7. Choose to target your ads on all devices, or Set specific targeting for devices to specify desktop, mobile phone, and/or tablet.
  8. Click Save and proceed.

Step 3 - Set up ad group & ads

  1. Enter a name for your first ad group.
  2. Click Keywords to enter keywords that will surface your ads on relevant websites. Press Enter between each keyword to add one keyword per line. Use match types to control the search terms that can trigger your ads. More info
    • Broad match - your ads may show where searches include your keywords, related keywords, or close variations like synonyms and misspellings. Example: tennis shoes.
    • Broad match modifier - similar to broad match, your ads may show where searches include your keywords designated with a plus sign or close variations. Example: +tennis, +shoes.
    • Phrase match - your ads may show where searches include exact phrases and close variations. Example: “tennis shoes”.
    • Exact match - your ads may show where searches include exact keywords and close variations. Example: [tennis shoes].
    • Negative match - your ads will not show where searches include your negative keywords. Example: -men.
  3. Click Placements to enter specific placements that will narrow the targeting of your responsive display ads. These must be in the form of URLs or app IDs for specifc websites, videos, or apps where you’d like your ads shown.
  4. Click Validate placements.
  5. Click Advanced Ad Group options to:
    • Select an ads rotation strategy. Optimize is selected by default. More info
    • Include or exclude target audience lists that you have saved in your Google Audience Manager.
    • Select an audience targeting setting.
    • Add up to 8 custom parameters to the links in the ad group.
  6. Click Create Ads.
  7. Enter the following elements to build various combinations of your ads. Note that not all elements will appear when your ads are shown. Sometimes they may be shown as just text ads depending on the placement. We recommend including variations of each element, as this makes it easier for Google to optimize your ads.
    • A destination URL.
    • At least 2 images, 1 square, and 1 landscape, are required.
      • PNG, JPEG, and GIF (still, not animated) formats are supported.
      • File size limit 5120 KB.
      • Note that text can cover no more than 20% of an image.
      • Size must be greater than 600x314 for landscape, and greater than 300x300 for square images.
      • Landscape images must have a ratio of 1.91:1
      • The max total number of images and logos allowed is 15.
    • Optional: 1 or more logo images.
      • We recommend adding 1 square logo.
      • The recommended size is 1200x1200, but it must be at least 128x128.
      • The file size limit is 5120 KB.
    • Optional: 1 or more YouTube video links. Videos should be 30 seconds or less.
    • At least 1 headline, up to 5.
    • At least 1 description, up to 5.
    • 1 long headline.
    • A business name.
    • Under Ad Preferences, select the preferred format for your ads: All formats, Native, or Non native. Native means the ads will take on the format and font of the website on which they are shown, for a more seamless experience.
  8. Click Save. If AdEspresso detects any issues, they will appear in red for you to fix.
  9. Optional: Click Add Ad Group and repeat steps 1-8 if you want to add another ad group to the campaign.
  10. Click Save and proceed.

Step 4 - Review & Publish

  1. Review the summary of your campaign along the right, and then click Publish to Google Ads.

Your campaign will be sent to Google for review and publishing. Ads must comply with Google's advertising policies.

Monitor your campaign’s results and edit any campaign settings in the campaign dashboard. Click Your Campaigns on the main navigation bar, and then select the Google Ads campaign from the drop-down menu to access the campaign dashboard.

Edit or delete ads from the All Ads tab of the campaign, and edit or delete ad groups from the Ad Groups tab.

Create PDF reports from your responsive display campaign results with the report generator.

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